2021 - 2022 School Year
February 17, 2022
1) Independent assortment
2) Pollination
3) Genetic Recombination
4) Polyploid
February 15, 2022
1) Crossing over
2) Nondisjunction
February 8, 2022
The Cellular Basis of Inheritance (start of chapter)
1) Mitosis
2) Binary Fission
3) Asexual reproduction
4)Sexual reproduction
Photosynthesis; Using Light to Make Food. Chapter started on 1/11/22
February 2, 2022
(The following words, though not included in the general vocabulary are relevant for the chapter: photorespiration, C4 plants, CAM plants, greenhouse effect.)
January 26, 2022
2) Photon
3) Electromagnetic spectrum
( NADPH was not given as a vocabulary word but was explained in class.)
January 25, 2022
1) Light Dependent Reaction
2) Calvin Cycle 9Light Independent reaction)
3) Carbon fixation
4) Stomata / Stoma
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph / Producer
3) Heterotroph / Consumer
Cellular Respiration ( How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy) Chapter starts on December 9, 2021
January 6, 2022
1) Strict anaerobe
2) Facultative anaerobe
December 13, 2021
1) Dehydrogenase
2) Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid cycle
December 10, 2021
2) Glycolysis
December 9, 2021
1) Cellular respiration
2) Aerobic
3) Anaerobic
The Working Cell. (Chapter starts on November 15, 2021)
November 30, 2021
1) Active transport
2) Passive transport
3) Facilitated diffusion
November 29, 2021
1) Isotonic solution
2) Hypertonic solution
3) Hypotonic solution
4) Diffusion
5) Osmosis
The following three words will also be relevant for the chapter)
1) solute
2) Solvent
3) solution.
November 18, 2021
1) Active site
2) Substrate
3) Denaturation
4) Catalyst
November 17, 2021
1) ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)
2) Enzymes
November 16, 2021
1) First Law of Thermodynamics
2) Second Law of Thermodynamics
November 15, 2021
1) Selective permeability
2) Permeable
3) Impermeable
4) Energy
5) Matter
A Tour of the Cell. (Chapter starts on October 26, 2021
October 27, 2021
1) Prokaryotic Cell
2) Eukaryotic Cell
3) Organelles.
The Molecules of Cells (The Macromolecules) Started on October 11, 2021
October 19, 2021
1) Saturated hydrocarbons
2) Unsaturated hydrocarbons
October 14, 2021
1) Enzymes
2) Denaturation
3) Hydrophilic molecules
4) Hydrophobic molecules
October 13,2021
1) Dehydration synthesis
2) Hydrolysis
October 12, 2021
1) Polymer
2) Isomers.
Chapter: The Chemistry of Life, Chapter 3 Starts on September 27, 2021
October 6, 2021
1) pH scale
2) Buffer
October 5, 2021
1) Polar Molecule
2) Cohesion
3) Adhesion
October 1, 2021
1) Isotopes
September 29, 2021
1) Atomic number
2) Atomic mass
September 27, 2021
1) Atoms
2) Molecules
3) Matter
4) Protons
5) Neutrons
6) Electrons.
2020 - 2021 School Year
Fourth Quarter Starts April 12, 2021
May 26, 2021 (Start of Chapter 10).
1) DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
2) RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
3) Nucleic Acid
4) Nucleotide
5) Bacteriophage
May 17, 2021
1) Karyotype
May 13, 2021
1) Self-fertilization
2) Cross fertilization
3) Hybrid
4) Monohybrid
May 12, 2021
1) Crossover
2) Chiasma
3) Nondisjunction
May 10, 2021
1) Germ Cell
May 6, 2021
1) somatic / body cell
2) Diploid cell
3) Haploid cell
4) Meiosis
5) Gamete
6) Autosome
7) Phenotype
8) Genotype
May 3, 2021
1) Fertilization
2) Zygote
3) Asexual reproduction
4) Parthenogenesis
5) Differentiation
6) Binary fission
7) Regeneration
8) Mitosis
April 23, 2021
1) Photon
2) Electromagnetic spectrum
4) Stomata
April 19, 2021
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph/producers
3) Heterotrophs/ Consumers
April 15, 2021
1) ATP
3) Aerobic respiration
4) Anaerobic respiration
April 12, 2021
1) Calories
2) BMR
3) Metabolic rate.
Third quarter starts January 25, 2021
Start of Chapter 8: Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance (Monday March 8, 2021)
March 22, 2021
1) codominance
2) incomplete dominance
3) sex-linked gene
March 18, 2021
1) hybrid
2) self-pollination
3) cross-pollinaation
4) Locus /loci
March 16, 2021
1) Allele
March 12, 2021
1) Crossing over
2) synapsis
3) non-disjunction
March 10, 2021
1) cytokinesis
2) kinetochore
March 9, 2021
1) somatic cell
2) gamete
3) germ cell
4) germinate
1) Binary fission
2) Zygote
3) Cell Division
Start of Chapter 7, Monday, February 22, 2021.
February 26, 2021
1) Photon
2) Light Reaction
3) Calvin Cycle
(Word from cellular respiration, electron carrier, electron transport chain and REDOX reaction are also relevant for this chapter)
February 22, 2021
1) Autotroph/ Producers
2) Heterotroph/Consumers
Start of Chapter 6 - February 11, 2021
February 18, 2021
1) Chemiosmosis
2) phosphorylation
February 17, 2021
1) Glycolysis
2) Krebs Cycle
February 16, 2021
1) NAD+
2) Dehydrogenase
February 11, 2021
1) Calorie
2) Respiration
3) Cellular respiration
4) Aerobic
5) Anaerobic
February 5, 2021
1) Endocytosis
2) Exocytosis
February 1, 2021
1) Diffusion
2) Osmosis
3) Passive transport
4) Active transport
January 29, 2021
1) Activation energy
2) Active site
3) substrate
4) denaturation.
January 28, 2021
1) Endergonic reactions
2) Exergonic reactions
January 26, 2021
1) Enzyme
2) Catalyst
January 25, 2021
1) Permeable
2) impermeable
3) selectively permeable
Second Quarter Virtual 2020 - 2021
Start of Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell (December 17, 2020)
1) Organelles
December 11, 2020
1) Denaturation
2) Hydrogenation
December 10, 2020
Dehydration synthesis
December 8, 2020
1) Hydrophilic molecule
2) Hydrophobic molecules
December 7, 2020
Start of Vocabulary for Chapter 3
1) Hydrocarbons
2) Saturated hydrocarbons
3) unsaturated hydrocarbons
4) Isomers
November 30, 2020
1) acids
2) base
3) buffers.
November 20, 2020
1) Polar molecule
2) Non polar molecule
3) Cohesion
4) Adhesion
November 19, 2020
1) Chemical Reaction
2) pH
November 18, 2020
1) Ion
November 17, 2020
1) Solute
2) Solvent
3) Solution.
November 16, 2020
1) Atomic number
2) Mass number
3) Mixture
4) Solution
November 13, 2020
1) Biology
2) Matter
3) Element.
October 14, 2020
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell
October 13, 2020
New Chapter: chapter 4 A Tour of the Cell
1) Permeable
2) Selectively Permeable
3) Impermeable.
October 7, 2020
1) Enzymes
October 6, 2020
1) Triglycerides
October 5, 2020
1) peptide bond
2) saturated hydrocarbon
3) unsaturated hydrocarbon
October 1, 2020
1) Denaturation
2) hydrophilic
3) hydrophobic
September 30, 2020
1) monomers
2) polymers (macromolecules)
3 (dehydration synthesis)
4 (hydrolysis)
September 29, 2020
1) Isomers
September 28, 2020
Chapter 3
1) hydrocarbons
2) organic compounds
September 21, 2020
1) Buffer
2) Cohesion
3) Adhesion
4) Polar covalent molecule
September 18, 2020
1) pH
2) acids
3) bases
September 17, 2020
1) Ionic bond
2) Covalent bond
September 16, 2020
1) Element
2) Compound
3) ions
September 14, 2020
1) atomic number
2) atomic mass
3) Isotopes.
September 14, 2020
1) Protons
2) Neutrons
4) Atoms September 11, 2020
1) biotic
2) adaptations
2019 - 2020 School Year
March 19, 2020
1) Natural selection
2) Adaptations
3) Stabilizing selection
4) Directional selection
5) Disruptive selection
March 18, 2020
Start of Evolution ( Working from Home)
1) Evolution
2) Cast
3) mold
4) petrified fossils
4) Amber
The definition/ explanation of numbers 2 through 4 can be found on page 370 of the text posted in Google Classroom.
March 7, 2020
1) gene
March 6, 2020
1) Exon
2) Intron
March 5, 2020
1) Nucleotide
March 4, 2020
1) anticodon
2) DNA polymerase
3) tRNA
4) rRNA
5) tRNA
February 28, 2020 ( The first two words were already done by period 1. Please look up the words at home.)
1) Lytic cycle
2) Lysogenic cycle
3) transcription
4) translation
5) codon
February 27, 2020
1) prophage
2) prokaryotes
Start of Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene (February 26, 2020)
1) Virus
2) Bacteriaphage
3) Nucleic Acid
4) DNA (Deoxyribose nucleic acid)
5) RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance.(Starts on January 6, 2020)
Second Semester, Starts on January 27, 2020. (You are still required to keep the words from January 6th for the remainder of the chapter and for chapter 9.)
February 10, 2020
1) Sex-linked
X-Linked traits.
February 4, 2020
1) Codominance
2) Incomplete dominance.
February 3, 2020
1) Monohybrid Cross
2) Dihybrid cross
January 30, 2020
1) Truebreeding
2) Hybrid
3) Phenotype
4) Genotype
January 29, 2020
1) Genetic recombination
2) Locus / Loci
January 28, 2020
1) Non-Disjunction
2) Karyotype
January 27, 2020
1) Homologous chromosomes
2) Allele
3) Germ cells
4) Automsomes
5) Crossing over.
January 13, 2020
1) anchorage dependence
2) density-dependence inhibition.
January10, 2020
1) centromere
2) kinetochore
January 9, 2020
1) Cytokinesis
2) Cell Cycle
3) Somatic/ Body Cell
4) Parthenogenesis
January 8, 2020
1) Chromatin
2) Chromosome
3) Chromatid.
January 7, 2020
1) Haploid cells
2) Diploid cells
3) Fertilization
4) Zygote
5) Mitosis
January 6, 2020
1) Asexual Reproduction
2) Binary fission
3) Sexual Reproduction
4) Gamete.
Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food (Starts on 12/10/19)
Monday, December 17, 2019
1) G3P
2) Photorespiration
3) Ozone layer
1) onday, December 16, 2019
1) C3 Plants
2) C4 Plants
3) CAM plants
Friday the 13th
1) Photosystem 1
2) Photosystem 2
3) Photosystem
4) Photon
December 12, 2019
1) Photolysis
2) Light Reaction
3) Calvin Cycle
December 11, 2019
1) Chloroplast
2) Thylakoid
3) Stroma
4) Stoma / Stomata
December 10, 2019
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph
3) Heterotroph
Chapter 6 : How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
First word for the chapter starts on 11/21/19
December 5, 2019
1) Biosynthesis
2) Strict aerobes
3) Facultative anaerobes
December 4, 2019
1) Alcoholic fermentation
2) Lactic Acid fermentation
December 3, 2019
1) Krebs Cycle/ Calvin Cycle
2) ATP Synthase
3) Chemiosmosis
December 2, 2019
1) Intermediate
2) Substrate level phosphorylation
3) Glycolysis
November 22, 2019
1) Oxidation
2) Reduction
REDOX reaction
November 21, 2019
1) aerobic
2) anaerobic
3) dehydrogenase.
4) NAD+
Chapter 5: The Working Cell Starts on November 4, 2019
November 14, 2019
1) Exocytosis
2) Endocytosis
November 13, 2019
1) passive transport
2) active transport
3) isotonic solution
4) Hypertonic solution
5) Hypotonic solution
November 12, 2019
1) Diffusion
2) Osmosi
November 8, 2019
1) Competitive inhibitor
2) non- competitive inhibitor.
November 5, 2019
1) Selective permeability
2) Impermeable
3) Permeable
November 4, 2019
1) Enzymes
2) Catalyst
3) Activation energy
4) Active site
5) Substrate.
October 23 - October 24, 2019
Memorize the functions of all 16 organelles discussed in class.
October 18, 2019
1) Organelle
2) Prokaryotes
3) Eukaryotes
October 9, 2019
1) dehydration synthesis
2) hydrolysis
October 8, 2019
1) Denaturation
October 7, 2019
1) Organic compounds
2) isomers
October 3, 2019
1) Hydrocarbon
Start of the Chapter on Macromolecules (Oct. 3rd)
October 1, 2019
1) pH scale
2) reactant
3) products
September 30, 2019
1) solute
2) solvent
3) solution
September 26, 2019
1) Polar covalent bond
2) Polar molecule
3) Non-polar molecule
4) cohesion
5) adhesion
6) Polar molecule
September 25, 2019
1) Isotopes.
September 24, 2019
The Chemistry of Life ( New chapter started on September 23rd)
1) Ionic Bond
2) Covalent Bond
3) Compounds.
September 19, 2019
1) Atom
2) proton
4) electrons
Ecology Project
September 10, 2019
1) Niche
2) Symbiosis ( the next three words are examples of symbiosis.
2b) mutualism
2c) Commensalism
2d) Parasitism
3) Producer / Autotroph
4) Consumers/ heterotroph
5) Decomposers
September 5, 2019
1) Biotic
2) Adaptations
September 4, 2019
1) Biology
2018 - 2019 School Year
May 1, 2019
1) founder effect
2) polymorphism
April 30, 2019
1) analogous structure
2) artificial selection
3) stabilizing selection
4) directional selection
5) disruptive or diversifying selection
April 29, 2019
1) Species
2) Speciation
3) Vestigial structures
4) Strata
April 26, 2019
1) Evolution
2) Adaptations.
April 9, 2019
1) Lytic cycle
2)Lysogenic cycle
April 8, 2019
1) Translocation
April 3, 2019
1) DNA polymerase
2) RNA polymerase
April 2, 2019
1) tRNA
2) anticodon
April 1, 2019
1) translation
2) Codon
3) m RNA
March 21, 2019
1) Nucleotide
2) Bacteriophage
3) Transcription
March 20, 2019
Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene
1) Nucleic Acid
2) DNA
3) RNA
March 11, 2019
1) Incomplete dominance
2) Codominance
March 6, 2019
1) Sex-linked or X-linked genes
March 5, 2019
1) Autosomes
March 4, 2019
1) Monohybrid cross
2) Dihybrid cross
February 28, 2019
1) karyotyping
February 27, 2019
1) translocation
2) inversion mutation
3)Deletion mutation
February 25, 2019
1) Polyploidy
2) genetic recombination
3) Gregor Mendel
4) Pollination
February 22, 2019
1) true breeding
2) hybrid
February 21, 2019
1) Non-disjunction
2) Allele
3) homozygous
4) Independent assortment
5) heterozygous
February 20, 2019
1) Locus
2) crossing over
3) chiasma
4) synapsis
February 19, 2019
1) Meiosis
2) Germ cells
3) Homologous chromosomes
February 13, 2019
1) Somatic cells
2) Diploid cells
3) Haploid cells
4) Mitosis
February 12, 2019
1) Regeneration
2) Cell cycle
3) Chromosomes
February, 11, 2019
Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance
1) Asexual Reproduction
2) Binary Fission
3) Sexual reproduction
January 29, 2019
1) Photon
2) photosystem
3) photophosphorylation
January 28, 2019 ( Start of Second Semester)
1) Autotroph
2) heterotroph
3) Photosynthesis
4) The Light Reaction
5) The Calvin Cycle
January 14, 2019
3) Chemiosmosis
4) Intermediates
January 11, 2019
1) Redox Reaction
2) ATP
3) ATP Synthase
4) Glycolysis
January 10, 2019
Cellular Respiration: How Cells Harvest Cellular Energy
1) Cellular respiration
2) Aerobic respiration
3) Anaerobic respiration
November 29, 2018
1) Active transport
2) passive transport
November 28, 2018
1) Isotonic solution
2) hypertonic solution
3) hypotonic solution
4) Osmosis
November 27, 2018
1) Energy of Activation
or Activation energy
November 15, 2018
1) ATP
2) Enzymes
3) catalyst
4) substrate
5) active site
6) Denaturation
November 14, 2018
1) Potential energy
2)Kinetic energy
3) First Law of Thermodynamics
4) Second Law of Thermodynamics
November 13, 2018
The Working Cell
1) Selective permeability
2) Impermeable
3) Diffusion
October 24, 2018
A Tour of the Cell
1) Eukaryotes
2) Prokaryotes
3) resolving power
October 15, 2018
1) hydrophobic molecules
2) hydrophilic molecules
October 12, 2108
1) dehydration syntheisi
2) hydrolysis
October 11, 2018
1) denaturation
October 10, 2018
1) saturated hydrocarbon
2) unsaturated hydrocarbon
3) isomers
October 9, 2018
1) Organic compound
2) hydrocarbons
New Chapter: The Chemistry of Life
Thursday, October 4, 2018
1) pH scale
2) buffer
Wednesday. October 3, 2018
No words - Lab
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
1) Cohesion
2) adhesion
Monday, October 1, 2018
1) Radioactive Isotopes
2) Polar Molecules
Friday, September 28, 2018
1) Isotopes
2) Chemical equation
Thursday, September 27, 2018
1) Ions
2) Ionic bonds
3) Covalent bonds
4) Compounds
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
1) solute
2) solvent
3) solution
4) reactant
5) product
Tuesday, September, 25, 2018 Start of the new chapter: The Chemistry of Life
1) atoms
2) protons
3) electrons
4) neutrons
Thursday, September 20, 2018
1) Symbiosis
2) parasitism
3) commensalism
4) mutualism
5) heterotroph
6) niche
Wednesday, September 19, 2019
1) producers
2) consumers
3) Primary consumer
4) Secondary consumer
5) Tertiary consumer
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
1) Decomposers
2) Energy Pyramid
Monday, September 17, 2018
1) Trophic level
Friday, September 14, 2018
1) Biome
2) food web
3) food chain
Monday, September 10, 2018
1) SI unit of measurement
2) quantitative data
3) qualitative data
Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve
May 16, 2018
1) stratification
2) genetic drift
3) natural selection
4) stablizing selection
5) directional selection
6) disruptive selection
May 15, 2018
1) Species
2) vestigial structures
3) gene pool
4) artificial selection
May 14, 2018
1) Evolution
2) Speciation
3) Adaptations
Chapter 11: The Control of Gene Expression
May 8, 2018
1) Vector
2) recombinant DNA
3) Plasmid
4) restriction enzyme
May 4, 2018
1) cellular differentiation
2) regeneration
3) adult stem cells
4) embryonic stem cells
Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene
April 26, 2018
1) Prophage
2) retrovirus
3) reverse transcriptase
4) prokaryotes
April 25, 2018
1) Lytic cycle
2) lysogenic cycle
April 24, 2018
1) Frame shift mutation
2) point mutation
April 23, 2018
1) exons
2) introns
April 20, 2018
1) translocation
2) promotor
3) Terminator
April 19, 2019
1) rRNA
2) tRNA
3) anticodon
April 18, 2018
1) Mutation
2) mutagens
3) mRNA
4) codon
April 17, 2018
1) Bacteriophage
2) protein
3) Transcription
4) Translation
April 16, 2018
1) Nucleic acid
2) DNA
3) RNA
4) nucleotide
Review the functions of the following organelles:
1) ribosomes
2) Golgi Apparatus
3) Nucleus.
Genetics Continued: Patterns of Inheritance
April 10, 2018
1) pleiotropy
2) recombinant DNA
3) Linked gene
April 4, 2018
1) Sex linked or X-Linked gene
April 2, 2018
1) P Generation
2) F1 Generation
3) F2 Generation
4) Dihybrid cross
5) Polyploid Cell
Introduction to Genetics
March 16, 2018
1) incomplete dominance
2) cross fertilization
March 15, 2018
1) self fertilization
3) monohybrid
4) true-breeding
March 13 and 14, 2018 (Block schedule)
1) homozygous
2) heterozygous
3) allele
4) dominant allele
5) recessive allele
March 12, 2018
1) Karyotype
2) Amniocentesis
3) chorionic villus sampling
March 9, 2018
1) germ cell
2) independent assortment
3) crossing over
4) non-disjunction
5) gametes
March 8, 2018
1) Tumors
2) benign
3) maglinancy
March 7, 2018
1) somatic cells
2) autosomes
3) diploid cell
4) haploid cell
March 5, 2018
1) Cytokinesis
2) Kinetochore
3) Chromatid

March 2, 2018
1) Regeneration
2) Parthenogenesis
3) Mitosis
4) chromatin
March 1, 2018
1) Genetics
2) Binary fission
3) Cell cycle
4) chromosomes
Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food
February 21, 2018
1) Rubisco catalase
2) RuBP ( ribulose 1,5 biphosphate)
3) PGA
4) G3P
February 13, 2018
1) Light dependent reaction
2) Calvin cycle ( light independent reaction)
3) Electromagnetic spectrum
February 12, 2018
1) Mesophyll
2) thylakoid membrane
3) granum ( plural grana)
4) stroma
February 9, 2108
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph ( producers)
3) Heterotroph ( consumers)
4) carbon fixation
5) stomata
Cellular Respiration: How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
February 2, 2018
1) Calorie
2) Calorimeter
February 1, 2018
1) ATP synthase
2) Intermediates
3) lactic acid fermentation
4) alcoholic fermentation
January 31, 2018
1) glycolysis
2) Substrate level phosphorylation
3) chemiosmosis
January 30, 2018
1) Redox reactions
2) Dehydrogenase
January 29, 2018
1) Cellular respiration
2) aerobic
3) anaerobic
4) respiration
The Working Cell
January 17, 2018
1) Isotonic solution
2) Hypertonic solution
3) Hypotonic solution
January 16, 2018
1) Active transport
2) Passive transport
3) Osmosis.
January 12, 2018
1) Selective permeability
2) Permeable
3) impermeable
4) diffusion
January 11, 2018
1) coenzyme
2) cofactor
3) organic molecule
4) inorganic molecule
5) Catalyst
January 10, 2018
1) Energy of activation / activation energy
2) Active site
3) substrate
4) denaturation
5) ATP
January 9, 2018
1) First Law of Thermodynamics
2) 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
3) Enzymes
4) endergonic reactions
5) exergonic reactions
January 8, 2018
1) Matter
2) Energy
3) Potential energy
4) Kinetic Energy
Cell Biology
Vocabulary words:
November 13, 2017
No vocabulary words. Notes taken on the function of the organelles
November 6, 2017
1) Organelles
November 3, 2014
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell
3) Resolving Power
March 19, 2020
1) Natural selection
2) Adaptations
3) Stabilizing selection
4) Directional selection
5) Disruptive selection
March 18, 2020
Start of Evolution ( Working from Home)
1) Evolution
2) Cast
3) mold
4) petrified fossils
4) Amber
The definition/ explanation of numbers 2 through 4 can be found on page 370 of the text posted in Google Classroom.
March 7, 2020
1) gene
March 6, 2020
1) Exon
2) Intron
March 5, 2020
1) Nucleotide
March 4, 2020
1) anticodon
2) DNA polymerase
3) tRNA
4) rRNA
5) tRNA
February 28, 2020 ( The first two words were already done by period 1. Please look up the words at home.)
1) Lytic cycle
2) Lysogenic cycle
3) transcription
4) translation
5) codon
February 27, 2020
1) prophage
2) prokaryotes
Start of Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene (February 26, 2020)
1) Virus
2) Bacteriaphage
3) Nucleic Acid
4) DNA (Deoxyribose nucleic acid)
5) RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance.(Starts on January 6, 2020)
Second Semester, Starts on January 27, 2020. (You are still required to keep the words from January 6th for the remainder of the chapter and for chapter 9.)
February 10, 2020
1) Sex-linked
X-Linked traits.
February 4, 2020
1) Codominance
2) Incomplete dominance.
February 3, 2020
1) Monohybrid Cross
2) Dihybrid cross
January 30, 2020
1) Truebreeding
2) Hybrid
3) Phenotype
4) Genotype
January 29, 2020
1) Genetic recombination
2) Locus / Loci
January 28, 2020
1) Non-Disjunction
2) Karyotype
January 27, 2020
1) Homologous chromosomes
2) Allele
3) Germ cells
4) Automsomes
5) Crossing over.
January 13, 2020
1) anchorage dependence
2) density-dependence inhibition.
January10, 2020
1) centromere
2) kinetochore
January 9, 2020
1) Cytokinesis
2) Cell Cycle
3) Somatic/ Body Cell
4) Parthenogenesis
January 8, 2020
1) Chromatin
2) Chromosome
3) Chromatid.
January 7, 2020
1) Haploid cells
2) Diploid cells
3) Fertilization
4) Zygote
5) Mitosis
January 6, 2020
1) Asexual Reproduction
2) Binary fission
3) Sexual Reproduction
4) Gamete.
Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food (Starts on 12/10/19)
Monday, December 17, 2019
1) G3P
2) Photorespiration
3) Ozone layer
1) onday, December 16, 2019
1) C3 Plants
2) C4 Plants
3) CAM plants
Friday the 13th
1) Photosystem 1
2) Photosystem 2
3) Photosystem
4) Photon
December 12, 2019
1) Photolysis
2) Light Reaction
3) Calvin Cycle
December 11, 2019
1) Chloroplast
2) Thylakoid
3) Stroma
4) Stoma / Stomata
December 10, 2019
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph
3) Heterotroph
Chapter 6 : How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
First word for the chapter starts on 11/21/19
December 5, 2019
1) Biosynthesis
2) Strict aerobes
3) Facultative anaerobes
December 4, 2019
1) Alcoholic fermentation
2) Lactic Acid fermentation
December 3, 2019
1) Krebs Cycle/ Calvin Cycle
2) ATP Synthase
3) Chemiosmosis
December 2, 2019
1) Intermediate
2) Substrate level phosphorylation
3) Glycolysis
November 22, 2019
1) Oxidation
2) Reduction
REDOX reaction
November 21, 2019
1) aerobic
2) anaerobic
3) dehydrogenase.
4) NAD+
Chapter 5: The Working Cell Starts on November 4, 2019
November 14, 2019
1) Exocytosis
2) Endocytosis
November 13, 2019
1) passive transport
2) active transport
3) isotonic solution
4) Hypertonic solution
5) Hypotonic solution
November 12, 2019
1) Diffusion
2) Osmosi
November 8, 2019
1) Competitive inhibitor
2) non- competitive inhibitor.
November 5, 2019
1) Selective permeability
2) Impermeable
3) Permeable
November 4, 2019
1) Enzymes
2) Catalyst
3) Activation energy
4) Active site
5) Substrate.
October 23 - October 24, 2019
Memorize the functions of all 16 organelles discussed in class.
October 18, 2019
1) Organelle
2) Prokaryotes
3) Eukaryotes
October 9, 2019
1) dehydration synthesis
2) hydrolysis
October 8, 2019
1) Denaturation
October 7, 2019
1) Organic compounds
2) isomers
October 3, 2019
1) Hydrocarbon
Start of the Chapter on Macromolecules (Oct. 3rd)
October 1, 2019
1) pH scale
2) reactant
3) products
September 30, 2019
1) solute
2) solvent
3) solution
September 26, 2019
1) Polar covalent bond
2) Polar molecule
3) Non-polar molecule
4) cohesion
5) adhesion
6) Polar molecule
September 25, 2019
1) Isotopes.
September 24, 2019
The Chemistry of Life ( New chapter started on September 23rd)
1) Ionic Bond
2) Covalent Bond
3) Compounds.
September 19, 2019
1) Atom
2) proton
4) electrons
Ecology Project
September 10, 2019
1) Niche
2) Symbiosis ( the next three words are examples of symbiosis.
2b) mutualism
2c) Commensalism
2d) Parasitism
3) Producer / Autotroph
4) Consumers/ heterotroph
5) Decomposers
September 5, 2019
1) Biotic
2) Adaptations
September 4, 2019
1) Biology
2018 - 2019 School Year
May 1, 2019
1) founder effect
2) polymorphism
April 30, 2019
1) analogous structure
2) artificial selection
3) stabilizing selection
4) directional selection
5) disruptive or diversifying selection
April 29, 2019
1) Species
2) Speciation
3) Vestigial structures
4) Strata
April 26, 2019
1) Evolution
2) Adaptations.
April 9, 2019
1) Lytic cycle
2)Lysogenic cycle
April 8, 2019
1) Translocation
April 3, 2019
1) DNA polymerase
2) RNA polymerase
April 2, 2019
1) tRNA
2) anticodon
April 1, 2019
1) translation
2) Codon
3) m RNA
March 21, 2019
1) Nucleotide
2) Bacteriophage
3) Transcription
March 20, 2019
Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene
1) Nucleic Acid
2) DNA
3) RNA
March 11, 2019
1) Incomplete dominance
2) Codominance
March 6, 2019
1) Sex-linked or X-linked genes
March 5, 2019
1) Autosomes
March 4, 2019
1) Monohybrid cross
2) Dihybrid cross
February 28, 2019
1) karyotyping
February 27, 2019
1) translocation
2) inversion mutation
3)Deletion mutation
February 25, 2019
1) Polyploidy
2) genetic recombination
3) Gregor Mendel
4) Pollination
February 22, 2019
1) true breeding
2) hybrid
February 21, 2019
1) Non-disjunction
2) Allele
3) homozygous
4) Independent assortment
5) heterozygous
February 20, 2019
1) Locus
2) crossing over
3) chiasma
4) synapsis
February 19, 2019
1) Meiosis
2) Germ cells
3) Homologous chromosomes
February 13, 2019
1) Somatic cells
2) Diploid cells
3) Haploid cells
4) Mitosis
February 12, 2019
1) Regeneration
2) Cell cycle
3) Chromosomes
February, 11, 2019
Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance
1) Asexual Reproduction
2) Binary Fission
3) Sexual reproduction
January 29, 2019
1) Photon
2) photosystem
3) photophosphorylation
January 28, 2019 ( Start of Second Semester)
1) Autotroph
2) heterotroph
3) Photosynthesis
4) The Light Reaction
5) The Calvin Cycle
January 14, 2019
3) Chemiosmosis
4) Intermediates
January 11, 2019
1) Redox Reaction
2) ATP
3) ATP Synthase
4) Glycolysis
January 10, 2019
Cellular Respiration: How Cells Harvest Cellular Energy
1) Cellular respiration
2) Aerobic respiration
3) Anaerobic respiration
November 29, 2018
1) Active transport
2) passive transport
November 28, 2018
1) Isotonic solution
2) hypertonic solution
3) hypotonic solution
4) Osmosis
November 27, 2018
1) Energy of Activation
or Activation energy
November 15, 2018
1) ATP
2) Enzymes
3) catalyst
4) substrate
5) active site
6) Denaturation
November 14, 2018
1) Potential energy
2)Kinetic energy
3) First Law of Thermodynamics
4) Second Law of Thermodynamics
November 13, 2018
The Working Cell
1) Selective permeability
2) Impermeable
3) Diffusion
October 24, 2018
A Tour of the Cell
1) Eukaryotes
2) Prokaryotes
3) resolving power
October 15, 2018
1) hydrophobic molecules
2) hydrophilic molecules
October 12, 2108
1) dehydration syntheisi
2) hydrolysis
October 11, 2018
1) denaturation
October 10, 2018
1) saturated hydrocarbon
2) unsaturated hydrocarbon
3) isomers
October 9, 2018
1) Organic compound
2) hydrocarbons
New Chapter: The Chemistry of Life
Thursday, October 4, 2018
1) pH scale
2) buffer
Wednesday. October 3, 2018
No words - Lab
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
1) Cohesion
2) adhesion
Monday, October 1, 2018
1) Radioactive Isotopes
2) Polar Molecules
Friday, September 28, 2018
1) Isotopes
2) Chemical equation
Thursday, September 27, 2018
1) Ions
2) Ionic bonds
3) Covalent bonds
4) Compounds
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
1) solute
2) solvent
3) solution
4) reactant
5) product
Tuesday, September, 25, 2018 Start of the new chapter: The Chemistry of Life
1) atoms
2) protons
3) electrons
4) neutrons
Thursday, September 20, 2018
1) Symbiosis
2) parasitism
3) commensalism
4) mutualism
5) heterotroph
6) niche
Wednesday, September 19, 2019
1) producers
2) consumers
3) Primary consumer
4) Secondary consumer
5) Tertiary consumer
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
1) Decomposers
2) Energy Pyramid
Monday, September 17, 2018
1) Trophic level
Friday, September 14, 2018
1) Biome
2) food web
3) food chain
Monday, September 10, 2018
1) SI unit of measurement
2) quantitative data
3) qualitative data
Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve
May 16, 2018
1) stratification
2) genetic drift
3) natural selection
4) stablizing selection
5) directional selection
6) disruptive selection
May 15, 2018
1) Species
2) vestigial structures
3) gene pool
4) artificial selection
May 14, 2018
1) Evolution
2) Speciation
3) Adaptations
Chapter 11: The Control of Gene Expression
May 8, 2018
1) Vector
2) recombinant DNA
3) Plasmid
4) restriction enzyme
May 4, 2018
1) cellular differentiation
2) regeneration
3) adult stem cells
4) embryonic stem cells
Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene
April 26, 2018
1) Prophage
2) retrovirus
3) reverse transcriptase
4) prokaryotes
April 25, 2018
1) Lytic cycle
2) lysogenic cycle
April 24, 2018
1) Frame shift mutation
2) point mutation
April 23, 2018
1) exons
2) introns
April 20, 2018
1) translocation
2) promotor
3) Terminator
April 19, 2019
1) rRNA
2) tRNA
3) anticodon
April 18, 2018
1) Mutation
2) mutagens
3) mRNA
4) codon
April 17, 2018
1) Bacteriophage
2) protein
3) Transcription
4) Translation
April 16, 2018
1) Nucleic acid
2) DNA
3) RNA
4) nucleotide
Review the functions of the following organelles:
1) ribosomes
2) Golgi Apparatus
3) Nucleus.
Genetics Continued: Patterns of Inheritance
April 10, 2018
1) pleiotropy
2) recombinant DNA
3) Linked gene
April 4, 2018
1) Sex linked or X-Linked gene
April 2, 2018
1) P Generation
2) F1 Generation
3) F2 Generation
4) Dihybrid cross
5) Polyploid Cell
Introduction to Genetics
March 16, 2018
1) incomplete dominance
2) cross fertilization
March 15, 2018
1) self fertilization
3) monohybrid
4) true-breeding
March 13 and 14, 2018 (Block schedule)
1) homozygous
2) heterozygous
3) allele
4) dominant allele
5) recessive allele
March 12, 2018
1) Karyotype
2) Amniocentesis
3) chorionic villus sampling
March 9, 2018
1) germ cell
2) independent assortment
3) crossing over
4) non-disjunction
5) gametes
March 8, 2018
1) Tumors
2) benign
3) maglinancy
March 7, 2018
1) somatic cells
2) autosomes
3) diploid cell
4) haploid cell
March 5, 2018
1) Cytokinesis
2) Kinetochore
3) Chromatid
March 2, 2018
1) Regeneration
2) Parthenogenesis
3) Mitosis
4) chromatin
March 1, 2018
1) Genetics
2) Binary fission
3) Cell cycle
4) chromosomes
Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food
February 21, 2018
1) Rubisco catalase
2) RuBP ( ribulose 1,5 biphosphate)
3) PGA
4) G3P
February 13, 2018
1) Light dependent reaction
2) Calvin cycle ( light independent reaction)
3) Electromagnetic spectrum
February 12, 2018
1) Mesophyll
2) thylakoid membrane
3) granum ( plural grana)
4) stroma
February 9, 2108
1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph ( producers)
3) Heterotroph ( consumers)
4) carbon fixation
5) stomata
Cellular Respiration: How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
February 2, 2018
1) Calorie
2) Calorimeter
February 1, 2018
1) ATP synthase
2) Intermediates
3) lactic acid fermentation
4) alcoholic fermentation
January 31, 2018
1) glycolysis
2) Substrate level phosphorylation
3) chemiosmosis
January 30, 2018
1) Redox reactions
2) Dehydrogenase
January 29, 2018
1) Cellular respiration
2) aerobic
3) anaerobic
4) respiration
The Working Cell
January 17, 2018
1) Isotonic solution
2) Hypertonic solution
3) Hypotonic solution
January 16, 2018
1) Active transport
2) Passive transport
3) Osmosis.
January 12, 2018
1) Selective permeability
2) Permeable
3) impermeable
4) diffusion
January 11, 2018
1) coenzyme
2) cofactor
3) organic molecule
4) inorganic molecule
5) Catalyst
January 10, 2018
1) Energy of activation / activation energy
2) Active site
3) substrate
4) denaturation
5) ATP
January 9, 2018
1) First Law of Thermodynamics
2) 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
3) Enzymes
4) endergonic reactions
5) exergonic reactions
January 8, 2018
1) Matter
2) Energy
3) Potential energy
4) Kinetic Energy
Cell Biology
Vocabulary words:
November 13, 2017
No vocabulary words. Notes taken on the function of the organelles
November 6, 2017
1) Organelles
November 3, 2014
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell
3) Resolving Power
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