Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sexual Education

The sexual education unit will run for approximately two weeks.  The unit will  start on December 1, 2017 and run until December 15, 2017.  Sometimes the program extends for a few days past the two weeks.  In such case, the program will continue during the first few days of 2018.

The program is mandated by the school district. Information can be found at the district's site at the link below.

Cell Type Lab

November 30, 2017
Test on the functions of the organelles.

November 29, 2017

Cell Type Lab: Examining plant cells and bacterial cells using the light microscope
November 30, 2017
Test on the functions of the organelles.

November 29, 2017

Cell Type Lab: Examining plant cells and bacterial cells using the light microscope

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Daily Assignments 11/6-11/17

Cell Biology
Click on Image to View larger

Daily Class Assignments
 November 14, 2017
Click on tab above for the details of the cell analogy project. 

 November 13, 2017
Lecture on the functions of the organelles in both plants and animal cells.

November 9, 2017
Away from class, PD
Students will watch video by PBS/Nova
" Making Stuff 2"

November 8, 2017
Lab: complete the packet on introduction to the microscope.

November 7, 2017
Lab: Introduction to the Microscope.

November 6, 2017

Notes: The invention of the microscope
Introduction of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Draw and label the animal and plant cells