Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Compare and Contrast Photosyntheis and Cellular Respiration

Use pictures and words in your comparison.  Do not copy directly from the text.  Use your imagination and get creative.  Information copied directly from the text will receive a zero.

The assignment will be due at the end of class on Thursday, January 31, 2019.
Image result for photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Finals Schedule

Finals schedule for Biology

Wednesday, January 23, 2109 -  Period 1
Thursday, January 24, 2019  -  Period 3
Friday, January 25, 2019 - Period 6

The first semester final exam will be multiple choice.  The study guide is available on the PLHS home work page.

Study Hall and Video Link

You will spend the time preparing for the final exam or finishing the your cellular respiration project.
Click on the Cellular Respiration link below to view the video.

Cellular Respiration

Friday, January 18, 2019

Total Energy Needs Activity

You will work in class to calculate your daily caloric needs.  You will then compare that number to the average of the amount of calories you consumed over three days.

In addition, you will create a chart to show the importance of the following vitamins and minerals in the diet:
1) Vitamin B1
2) Vitamin B2
3) Vitamin B3
4) Vitamin B6
5) Pantothenic Acid
6) Chromium
8) Iron.
The above named vitamins and mineral are needed for by the body during cellular respiration

Heading for the chart;
Vitamin/Mineral   Major Dietary Source  Functions in the Body    Symptoms of Deficiency or Extreme Excess

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Cellular Respiration Continued

The Electron Transport Chain

Image result for electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

The Kreb's Cycle:

 Schematic of the Citric Acid Cycle

Cellular Respiration

Below is the equation representing cellular respiration:

Image result for equation for cellular respiration showing oxidation reductionThere is no need to memorize the intermediate stages of glycolysis.  Understanding what is happening and the starting and ending products will be sufficient for the class.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Sex Education Packet is Due

The entire sex education packet distributed during the program will be graded.  Do not forget to bring the packet to class tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9, 2019.  This will be the only open notes test all year.

Also, click on the PLHS link below to view the home work assignment that will be due on Monday, January 14, 2019.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Taking Inventory

Happy New Year!!

The sex education packet is due tomorrow.  The packet will be graded and a grade will be entered. 
The following day, Wednesday, January you will take the open-book sex education test.

During class you will fill out the Taking Inventory, and My Personal Health Plan worksheets.